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Bring Back The Dance!

Create a cohesive campaign to promote a high school dinner dance.


The Annual Lemont High School Jazz Band Dinner Dance was on hold since 2019 and needed an engaging campaign to kick off the groups first major fund raising campaign in two years. The designed need to engage four audiences; current parents, former band parents, alumni and the toughest market, high school students!


The project included a slightly retro design and was a fresh approach that folks found refreshingly creative. The “daring” black background with neon colors engaged all audiences and started conversations about attending and donating to the silent auction. The event was a packed house and earned the band over $13,000 for equipment.  Mission accomplished.

Behind the Scenes

I designed all the pieces and worked with the team on overall strategy. I also helped flush out the concept with our team, and helped with headline content as needed. The design and brand was always complimented and may have earned me a album cover design project!